Trash? Follow
Trash Disposal
Please do not leave the trash in the room, put the trash in the trash chute or trash room.
Check below for where you can find the trash chute in each condo.
Please take the service elevator to the bottom floor, and dispose the trash at the dumpster in the backloading dock.
Located at the end of the hallway on the left when you step out from your unit.
Located near the elevator on each floor.
Garbage room is near the elevator, unit number 2 next to the door, and the house phone to the left.
There is a trash chute at the end of the hallway just open the door.
There is a trash room in the hallway on the opposite side of the elevator on each floor.
Trash Room: 11th floor the door named Storage.
Trash shoot is located at the end of the hallway on the LEFT coming out from your unit.
Trash room is at the end of the hallway across the laundry room.
1) Condo occupants shall collect trash, refuse, & recycling to be placed in LEAK-PLOOF, 13 GALLON-MIL. PLASTIC BAGS (no boxes) and tied-off at the top. A maximum of 2 bags placed outside the condo door for daily trash pick up between 6:30 am to 8:30 am only. Trash exceeding the 2-bags limit or left out after 8:30 AM must be taken to Basement Dumpster.
2) If the Association is required to pick up trash outside the stated hours or is required to clean up from leaking bags, a fine will be assessed to the condo occupant, or to the rental agent.
1)コンドミニアムの居住者は、ゴミ、ごみ、リサイクルを収集して、13GALLON-MILのLEAK-PLOOF.PLASTIC BAGSに入れ、 ビニール袋上部で縛った状態でお捨てください。 毎日午前6時30分から午前8時30分までの間にのみコンドミニアムのドアの外に最大2バッグのゴミを捨てられます。 2袋の制限を超えるゴミ、または午前8時30分以降に取り残されたゴミは、地下ダンプスターに持ち込む必要があります。
Trash shoot is right next to the unit. 7am-10pm
Oversized boxes can be collected in the P1 Level Parking garage.
段ボール箱など規格外のゴミはP1 Level Parking garageまでお持ちください。
Trash room is at the end of the hallway across the laundry room.
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